08 Ağustos 2015 İhracat Talepleri'nden bazıları (*) :
001: Coffee Grinding and Roasting Machine offer request - Ethiopia
002: Offset Printing Paintings import inquiry - Burkina Faso
003: Dried Fruits and Dried Nuts import inquiry - Hungary
004: Water Bottling Line quotation request RFQ - Saudi Arabia
005: Need quoation for cap 48mm - Trinidad and Tobago
006: First Aid Kits inport to Austria
007: Organic foodstuffs import inquiry - Saudi Arabia
008: Hazelnuts quotation request RFQ - Ukraine
009: Aluminium Foil 8011 price inquiry - Croatia
010: PPR pipes price list request - Libya
001: Wooden Doors price offer request - Kosovo
002: Home furniture catalog inquiry - Kuwait
003: Lighting fixture products wholesale inquiry - United Arab Emirates
004: Suzuki SX4 radiator buy inquiry - Georgia
005: Zinc ore price quotation requst RFQ - Iran
006: Garbage Container price request - Israel
007: A4 paper import buy inquiry - Canada
008: Wet Wipes Products quotation request - Uzbekistan
009: Paper tube production line price inquiry - Croatia
010: Plastic houseware products price request - Saudi Arabia
001: Chandelier for a big mosquee price request - France
002: Welding machine and equipments offer request - Ethiopia
003: Paper cup raw materials import inquiry - Jordan
004: Cloth hangers catalog and price inquiry - Brazil
005: Feed mill plant price inquiry RFQ - Iran
006: Sunflower oil import price inquiry- Palestine
007: Zip Lock Bags price inquiry - Canada
008: Dumbwaiter quotation and specifications request - Uzbekistan
009: Paper tube production line price inquiry - Croatia
040: Woodworking Machines Price Request - Saudi Arabia
Ağustos ayı tüm talepler listesi
(*) Türkiye'nin en büyük ihracat portali Turkishexporter.Net'te günlük 50-100 iş/ihracat fırsatı yayınlamaktadır. Bu fırsatlardan bazı başlıklar burada örneklenmiştir. Ayrıca üyelik yapısı içerisinde de 10-12 bin yurt dışı mesaj doğrudan üyelerimize ulaştırılmaktadır.
Turkishexporter.Net'te günlük tahmini 50 milyon dolarlık ihracat potansiyeli oluşmaktadır.
001: Coffee Grinding and Roasting Machine offer request - Ethiopia
002: Offset Printing Paintings import inquiry - Burkina Faso
003: Dried Fruits and Dried Nuts import inquiry - Hungary
004: Water Bottling Line quotation request RFQ - Saudi Arabia
005: Need quoation for cap 48mm - Trinidad and Tobago
006: First Aid Kits inport to Austria
007: Organic foodstuffs import inquiry - Saudi Arabia
008: Hazelnuts quotation request RFQ - Ukraine
009: Aluminium Foil 8011 price inquiry - Croatia
010: PPR pipes price list request - Libya
001: Wooden Doors price offer request - Kosovo
002: Home furniture catalog inquiry - Kuwait
003: Lighting fixture products wholesale inquiry - United Arab Emirates
004: Suzuki SX4 radiator buy inquiry - Georgia
005: Zinc ore price quotation requst RFQ - Iran
006: Garbage Container price request - Israel
007: A4 paper import buy inquiry - Canada
008: Wet Wipes Products quotation request - Uzbekistan
009: Paper tube production line price inquiry - Croatia
010: Plastic houseware products price request - Saudi Arabia
001: Chandelier for a big mosquee price request - France
002: Welding machine and equipments offer request - Ethiopia
003: Paper cup raw materials import inquiry - Jordan
004: Cloth hangers catalog and price inquiry - Brazil
005: Feed mill plant price inquiry RFQ - Iran
006: Sunflower oil import price inquiry- Palestine
007: Zip Lock Bags price inquiry - Canada
008: Dumbwaiter quotation and specifications request - Uzbekistan
009: Paper tube production line price inquiry - Croatia
040: Woodworking Machines Price Request - Saudi Arabia
Ağustos ayı tüm talepler listesi
(*) Türkiye'nin en büyük ihracat portali Turkishexporter.Net'te günlük 50-100 iş/ihracat fırsatı yayınlamaktadır. Bu fırsatlardan bazı başlıklar burada örneklenmiştir. Ayrıca üyelik yapısı içerisinde de 10-12 bin yurt dışı mesaj doğrudan üyelerimize ulaştırılmaktadır.
Turkishexporter.Net'te günlük tahmini 50 milyon dolarlık ihracat potansiyeli oluşmaktadır.